ES52B (Longwing) Kookaburra Short Kit or Plan

ES52B (Longwing) Kookaburra Short Kit or Plan


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The ES52 Kookaburra for RC by Jilles Smits

This plan converts to one of the best looking sailplanes ever! The plan has captured the charm and grace of this Australian glider.

This plan and kit is of the ES52B (Longwing version) 3 piece wing.

Scale: 1/4
Wing span: 4.2mtr
Weight: 18Lb

Canopy is available from Sarik Hobbies. The model has great all round flight characteristics off both tow and slope.

Designed for 5 channel radio control.

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The ES52 Kookaburra

This two seat high wing glider sailplane of wooden construction designed by Harry Schneider and built by Edmund Schneider Pty Ltd.

The ES52B (Longwing) Kookaburra

was first flown on 26 June 1954 and became the glider of choice for training new pilot s of many gliding clubs around Australia in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Several found their way to New Zealand. Further two kits were sent to Brazil and at least one of these was finished and flown successfully.

The ES52 performed well with a glide ratio of about 22:1 and had soaring and cross country capabilities. A notable feature of the ES52 design was the staggered side by side seating arrangement of the cockpit. This made for good in flight communication between instructor and trainee. Overall, thirty six were built by Edmund Schneider Pty Ltd.

A longer wing version (the ES52B) was also introduced that had a better glide ratio (around 25:1). Five examples of this version were built.

In Germany a modified ES52 was built incorporating a metal tube fuselage frame and with the addition of an engine driven propeller mounted on top of the wing which enabled the glider to be self launching.

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