Alsema Sagitta Glider Short Kit or Plan

Alsema Sagitta Glider Short Kit or Plan


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The Alsema Sagitta Model Glider for RC by Jilles Smits

The plan designed for tha Alsema Saggitta radio controlled model glider by Jilles Smits is at 1/3.125 scale, available as a free download from the Scale Soaring website

Jilles is fast becoming one of the most notable designers in the world and we are proud to be able to say that Laser Cut Sailplanes are the only authorised dealer for his plans in the northern hemisphere. Please visit Jilles Smits Short Kits & Plans in our shop to see his other excellent plans. Short kits are available for all.

Wing span: 4.816 Mtr

Flying weight: 8Kg

Designed for 5 channel radio control.

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SKU: LCS-JS-Alsama-Saggita-Short-Kit-Plan Category:


The Sagitta (Arrow)

The Sagitta

was the first – and last- single seat standard class glider design in Holland. Piet Alsema used three years planning and research before the first prototype flew on the 4th of July 1960. Even today the glider looks slick with its slender all-wood fuselage with raked fin and rudder, long pointed nose and sliding blown canopy which provides excellent all-round visibility. Tailplane and elevators are completely wood and consist of two separate pieces connected together with male/female spar and one vertical centre pin. The prototype had tailplanes that could be folded upwards for transportation.

In the Netherlands the aircraft was certified for cloud flying and aerobatics, but its US certification does not include these authorizations. The type received its US type certificate on 2 August 1965.

A total of twenty Sagittas were built.

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