PSS F86 Sabre

PSS F86 Sabre


Cut to order

Wing Span: 43.5 inches

Target Weight: 4lbs

4 Channel: Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder (Optional), Flaps (Optional)


This model was the subject of a mass build. The 2020 Mass Build started on 1st November 2019 with a view to a Mass Fly-In at the Great Orme, Llandudno in June 2020. Builders from all over the world participated.

Cut to order

SKU: LCS-PSS-F86 Sabre Category:


F86 Sabre

Designed by by Martin Gay and Gordon Studley

The model was designed as a mass build project, more can be found on the here:

Plans available from PSSA website:

Canopy is available from Vortex Vacform Canopy number CN90

Lleyn 19 Sabre 1

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